
Saturday, April 25, 2015

As Japan's population ages, robots seen as workforce solution

 A growing number of Japanese businesses are testing out robots as a possible solution to the country's shrinking workforce.They're appearing in stores, banks and soon even hotels.
For instance A Bank in Tokyo trying out a customer service robot that answers basic questions and is designed to speak 19 languages. A hotel scheduled to open soon in Nagasaki plans to have 10 robot staff members and aims to increase that to more than 90% of hotel services operated by robots.

Some ‘serious’ questions raised by FACEBOOK users about this?
1.      If they hire all robots then who's going to have the money to buy your products?
2.      Some people would rather talk to real people with real experience, not robots.
3.      GO to Africa, there are millions of young people without Jobs.
4.      Have they no youth?
5.      Are they TRYING to make the robot apocalypse generated by Skynet in Terminator a reality?
6.      What about the humans who are going to be made redundant?

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